Sunken Oculus - RPG - 74MB

Name: Gigs

Age: 19
Hometown: Revya Island, or is it?
Goals/Desires: Adventures, Knowledge, Finding out his real identity, and more about the Sahagins and Oculus.
Strengths: Tough, thinks critically, kind heart, knowledgeable gigs also has the oculus’ ability to see things from afar, although partial gigs can also see flashes of future events.
Weaknesses: Somewhat dull and ignorant. Colorblind.
Motivation: The pirate spirit of exploration and adventure!
Conflict: When his fate crossed paths with the recent movement of the Sahagins, Gigs’ dormant ability of far-seeing awakened shortly after. Since then, Gigs was no longer sure of his identity, he was not sure if he was even a pirate! At that moment, he discreetly intend to find out of his origin during their adventures.

Name: Synth
Age: 19
Hometown: Revya Island
Goals/Desires: Power, wealth, and commanding a pirate ship of his own, also treasures-especially the legendary treasure of the infamous Captain Condoar.
Strengths: Quick-witted, (in a good way), persuasive, negotiates well, serious, and determined.
Weaknesses: Somewhat selfish, egoistic, and sort of evil.
Motivation: Hatred towards the Imperial Fleet, passion for adventure and digging up treasure.
Conflict: Synth’s parents was killed by an Imperial Fleet, so he was told. Ever since, he never trusted anyone, doubts everyone, and befriends no one. Even the fact he was told that the Imperials killed his parents is highly doubtful to him. When the appearances of Sahagin became more common, Synth intended to hunt them for their treasure – little does Synth know that the Imperial ship that boarder his parent’s ship was taken over by….none other than the Sahagins.

Name: Marteks
Age: 24
Hometown: Unknown
Goals/Desires: Take revenge on the Sahagins for cusing him into his monstrous and intimidating exterior, saving other people from suffering the same fate, and find a cure for the curse.
Strengths: brave, strong, has initiative, very determined, and tough – the characteristics of a beast.
Weaknesses: At times violent and ucontrollable.
Motivation: Vengeance towards the Sahagins, his monstrous and beastly appearances, his wish to be no longer cursed.
Conflict: When Gigs and Synth found themselves a mission to investigate the missing treasure hunters on madora beach, Marteks was one of them – the only one who is still alive. Unfortunately, Marteks was cursed for eternity to live with the appearances of a violent and monstrous beast. Having the curse, however made Marteks gained the ability to command the elemental fire which Marteks plan to use to take revenge on those who cursed him.



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